Well - what a busy few weeks we have had delivering a variety of warm space activities to Dinnington residents. A hot meal, drink and desert was provided at each activity and over the course of 14 warm space events we had a total of 133 attendees
Our warm space activities include
Matinee afternoons x 2with Sam(separate sessions were available to children, young people and adults) where fleece blankets and travel mugs were given
Men's and Ladies separate mental health sessions with Carolynn supported by John from Better Days where mugs with quoted on, daily journals, mindfulness books and stationery were given
Cooking on a budget classes x 2 with Eve and Carolynn where cooking equipment were given
Knitting classes with Sam supported by Val from Heart of Knitting where knitting needles, wool and hot water bottles were given
Story time with Carolynn where games and books were given out
Easter Egg Hunt with Carolynn where the children found chocolate eggs and received a toy
Resilience workshops with Roger where mindfulness information and quoted mugs were given
Armchair exercise with Jenny where exercise equipment and written guidance was given out
IT/Digital inclusion workshops with Sam where we gave sim-cards out to those digitally excluded
Social Lunches x 2 with Sam supported by Rotherfed when Money Management advice and travel mugs, warm fleece blankets or quilts were given out
Our Community Hub is a safe, warm, friendly and welcoming space for anyone to access from the young to the old. EVERYONE is welcome and treated equality.
HUGE thank you to RMBC and VAR for providing the funding to help make these events possible